What is Pranic healing?

Pranic Healing is a powerful and effective no touch no medicine energy healing modality which utilises Prana to accelerate the natural healing processes of the...

Pranic Healing is a powerful and effective no touch no medicine energy healing modality which utilises Prana to accelerate the natural healing processes of the physical body. Prana is an invisible Vital Energy or Life Force that keeps the body alive and healthy. This vital energy or life force is what the Chinese refer to as Chi and the Japanese refer to as Ki. Pranic Healing is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a “self repairing” living entity that possesses the innate ability to heal itself. Pranic Healing as a science, was born in 1987 after years of research and validation by Master Choa Kok Sui. Pranic Healing is a healing modality that works with energy or life force to improve a wide range of physical and psychological ailments. It is basically a science behind energy healing that has been into practice from ancient times in many parts of the world. Pranic healing in the first place reveals the science behind energy healing in a simple way, which basically uses the laws of the nature. How dose Pranic healing work? Pranic Healing is designed based on the overall structure of the human body, which is composed of two parts: the visible physical body and the invisible energy body often called Aura. Aura consists of different Energy centers which are also known as Charkas. All these charkas control different organs of the body and its system. Before the disease enters the physical body, it enters into the energy body. Pranic Healing techniques cleanse, energize and re-balance the energy body by using prana to restore harmony and balance physically, emotionally and mentally Pranic Healing utilizes Prana (also known as chi or ki or vital energy) to heal the whole energy body. Prana is that vital energy or life force which keeps the body alive and healthy. How much Prana a person has determines how fast the body heals. Therefore, increasing the Life Force of a person in the affected areas of the body increases the self recovery mechanism of the body. Pranic Healing can be applied to bring about a state of physical, mental and emotional well-being. Pranic healing protocols exist for healing ailments of the different systems of the body. In addition, Pranic Healing can be applied for the treatment of psychological ailments such as: stress, irritability, anxiety, grief, phobias, trauma, obsessions, compulsions, addiction, depression, violent, and mentally retarded patients

Please note that Pranic Healing is NOT intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to complement it.

By Dr. Mina Asr

Reference: Master Choa Kok Sui’s books

Dr Mina asr

Dr Mina asr

Dr Mina Asr is an overall lover of wholesome and holistic living. She holds a PhD in food engineering. She has been working as a pranic healer, meditation facilitator.

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